Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Funny how time flies

It is so funny how time flies so fast. So many times I revisit this blog and think how awesome the memories , but how long ago it was.... I was so thankful the other day when I was checking up on the blog and found that I had written down my moms' cinnamon roll recipe...We still have the recipe but a child of mine had gotten a hold of it and ripped the edge (and ate it.) and it was un readable :-( So thankful I had written it down here!

So much has happened in the last few years time to update a tad.. ;-)

Miss FF is 13 now and is full of sass and spunk but is a beautiful little girl and loves to be a little mommy (most the time)
Miss TT is 11 and also full of sass and spunk but she has a heart of gold. She also loves baking and reading. If you don't see her with a book, something is wrong. ;-)
Miss Boo is 7 and is full of life and dances everywhere she goes. She also has so much love for animals.
Monkey is 6 and is quite the character. She is quiet most the time, the rest of the time she has a passion for learning that is just amazing to watch.
Little Bee is a mover. and a thinker, an asker, a noise maker. (holy crap) but she too has such a passion for life.
Baby girl #6 was born. We nick named her SGT. What a blessing she is. She is full of life, spunk and loves her nursing time. She is saying all the cute words like mama, dadda and you can understand a lot of what she is trying to say, but she sticks to signing for most of it ;-)

HomeSchooling has also been quite the journey but all of the girls have a passion to learn and it is amazing to watch them grow. We get to spend time together doing so many fun things. And we school through out the year so there isn't a 'time loss' like most kids have.

Thank you if you got this far, I really am going to push to update more...I miss this! ;-)

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