Thursday, March 16, 2017

An Ugly Pair of Shoes

A friend gave me this poem last night.... and it is so true.. you never know till you put on those ugly shoes.. and give that ugly cry.. what it is really all about... you think you are safe, you think you have this world made.. and then your world crashes.. But then, you pick yourself up... and you lean on your friends and loved ones.. and you WILL make it though... I know I can .. I KNOW I can...

Any Ugly Pair of Shoes

I am wearing a pair of shoes.
They are ugly shoes.
Uncomfortable Shoes.
I hate my shoes.
Each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair.
Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step.
Yet, I continue to wear them.
I get funny looks wearing these shoes.
They are looks of sympathy.
I can tell in others eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs.
They never talk about my shoes.
To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable.
To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them.
But, once you put them on, you can never take them off.
I now realize that I am not the only one who wears these shoes.
There are many pairs in the world.
Some women are like me and ache daily as they try and walk in them.
Some have learned how to walk in them so they don't hurt quite as much.
Some have worn the shoes so long that days will go by
before they think of how much they hurt.
No woman deserves to wear these shoes.
Yet, because of the shoes I am a stronger women.
These shoes have given me the strength to face anything.
They have made me who I am.
I will forever walk in the shoes of a woman who has lost a child.

Author Unknown Reposted from The peanut*s

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Every-time. Never fails... Every-time we walk in to any grocery store or anywhere out of the house... we get SOME kind of looks or snarls or...whatever.

At first it was hurtful... now I usually just roll my eyes.... at first the girls were hurt but now we talk about it and laugh. Some of the comments. Wow are you done yet? Or the do you know what makes that? yes. Yes I do... Oh the thoughts and come backs....but usually I just smile and nod. I don't smile when I hear "Oh, your Poor husband." Dude. I am the one that spends 24/7 with them. what do you mean my poor husband... :-P 
I know that they are trying to make conversation... I know most people don't have a filter... But the ones that I LOVE hearing? Wow! you are SO blessed! Look at all those girls! So pretty. and well behaved and polite! It is a lovely feeling.... and those out weigh the bad ;-)

BUT , on to HOW I do it... well... I don't. WE do it. We are a family and work together! Some days, just you muddle through... other days it is amazing... You watch them grow, learn, and so much more. 
  Another thing we get the WOWs for or the stares... we also homeschool... now REALLY how DO you do that.. somedays we don't! We played monopoly today.. they were counting back money, they have to figure out how to 'buy' properties but not over spend... Boo got a hard lesson on that one.. but the next game she realized it and bam, she is beating us all! Most days, they have reading, writing, science, bible, history, HomeEC and who knows what else..They know, get it done THEN play... it motivates them to go pretty quickly. ;-)
Are we perfect? He*l no. But are our kids loved? Yes. Are they fed 2304 times a day. Yes. (I promise.. even if Bee comes to you with those sad eyes and says.. are you SURE we didn't just eat lunch... ) yes. I promise, you just ate. Wait 2 hrs for a snack dude. Are they learning and growing? EVERYday. Yes. Do they fight? For SURE. The older four help in the kitchen and the older two cook a few nights a week. They do their own laundry. The secret? There is none. They know the rules. if they break them there are consequences... Do we have bad days? For sure...and do I shout? shh... maybe.. ;-) but, we are ALL always there for each other. always. For me it's like walking and chewing gum... (WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED PLEASE!!) you just do it. You take what you have and go with it. Because that is what we do, we have faith in God and we just Do.  That may not be the answer that most people want to hear...but it is what keeps us going. So, we will keep doing <3 font="" nbsp="">

This blog sparked my thoughts on this whole subject <3 cid="sm_fbn_pt</font""" http:="" parentingteam="" post="" yes-all-of-my-kids-are-the-same-gender-what-i-wish-you-knew="">